THE Group
The Taillor Collective, LLC. is a BDSM/Kink Collective & Domination School based in Brooklyn, New York City. Our space is a hub for kink-positive feminists to learn, teach, practice & explore the world of human sexuality, mostly focused on BDSM & Fetish. The femdom group shares the interest and the trade, within the law of the State of New York and the SSC (Safe, Sane, Consensual) principles of BDSM.
Taillors come in all shapes, sizes, gender expressions, ethnicities, preferences, passions, and professions. We are lifestyle &/or professional kinksters, nine-to-fivers, performers, writers, event planners, astrophysicists, content creators, artists, bodyworkers, healers, activists, chefs, and much in between.
About Charlotte
Charlotte Taillor is a queer intersectional feminist, sex workers' rights activist, and the founder of The Taillor Group. In the past, she has worked in Advertising, Marketing Research, Business Development, and blogged about human rights and international politics. A Brazilian transplant, Charlotte studied Communications at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro, and Business at Fordham University, in New York City. Find her on Instagram @feministress.
Come watch a workshop:
Our Taillor School of Domination & Kink has workshops in mostly anything imaginable under the Safe, Sane & Consensual (SSC) principles of BDSM. Our dommes receive frequent and thorough hands-on training to keep The Taillor Group in its leading position of experienced fantastic dommes and we are in constant need of subs to use for demonstrations and training.
Reasons to attend workshops:
learn more about BDSM,
explore a kink you already know you have,
find out about all kinds of kinks you may also have,
watch and satisfy your curiosity of a subject or another,
add quite the New York City experience to your story repertoire,
submit to a pro-domme skipping the session rates.

The M.I.T.S.
Domming and subbing skills are super hot, but consent and trust are really the important ones. Invented by your favorite cult leader and used religiously by members of our collective, the acronym MITS aims to highlight some key pieces of good pre-play communication and stands for marks, injuries, triggers & safeword:
Can I leave any temporary marks? What about permanent ones? Where, only body parts usually covered by clothes or it doesn't matter? (Bonus tip: think beyond impact markings. Sharpies? Makeup? Can I dip you in paint? Can I send you home covered in glitter?)
How are your knees (if they're all good, why aren't you on them)? Heart conditions, breathing problems, allergies, back pain? Are you feeling under the weather, by any chance? Could the adrenaline interact poorly with any medication they're taking?
What are your limits? Does age-play give you the heebie-jeebies? Are there any triggering words, from which we should make sure to stay away? Was your mom a teacher and therefore classroom role-play also gives you the heebie-jeebies?
The powerful word that stops everything, respected over anything else. At Taillors, we use the traffic light system, having "red" as the safeword and fingers crossed 🤞(ASL for the letter "R") as our safe-sign.
Are you all about consent and safety too?
Share it on social media with the hashtag #TaillorMITS.
#BDSMCommunity #MITSbeforeHITS #ConsentIsSexy

The Taillor Group is a collective of dominant femme-identifying individuals learning, teaching, practicing & exploring female empowerment and the world of human sexuality, mostly focused on BDSM & Fetish. A mix of Suicide Girls, 19th century French salons, and Madonna in the early 90s: we are a growing team of sex-positive feminists sharing the interest and the trade, within the law of the State of New York and the SSC principles of BDSM (Safe, Sane, Consensual).
We receive lots of (rather fascinating) emails. So don't get offended if we don't promptly respond to yours. If you would like to reach a human directly, please give us a call instead:
(347) 855-4877
For press inquiries & external events:
text or call Charlotte @ (347) 974-2376